Saturday, November 8, 2008

SyCip Track Bike

Originally uploaded by njconnolly
American Steel. My other younger SyCip. Also a wonderful bicycle to ride. This bike is my most favorite of all time. I will have this bike for the rest of my life. I will never give it up. I love its paint job. Created by me and painted by Spectrum Powder Works of Colorado. I hope to switching a few of the parts soon. I want to ditch the Deda stem and seatpost and put on Thomson ones. I would also like a new seat but I can't figure out what would work well with the feel of the bike and that I would be able to ride. The one thats on there fits the color scheme and is very comfortable but is not very sleek. I will be using this bike lots more for training. It is great for getting my single speed strength and cadence. That is all for today. Later, -N

Friday, November 7, 2008

New Plan and Starbucks to Verdi Track Bike Ride

My plan was to ride at night this last Tuesday but the weather had something else to say about that. I had to cancel my ride with Jack and skip the mountain bike for this week. So the new goal is to ride at least once a week for the next five weeks. This week does not count.
On to more exciting things... This weekend there is a cyclocross race at some park in Stead. I am going to try and go. I will not be racing but will be taking photos. I have found this new tool to Geotag photos and I am excited about trying it.
This morning I went for a little road ride by myself on my favorite bicycle, my track bike. There will be more on that later.

Route:--Elev. Avg:4734 ft
Location:Reno, NVElev. Gain:-3 ft
Date:11/07/08Up/Downhill: [+1391/-1394]
Time:08:44 AMDifficulty:4.8 / 5.0
 46 F temp; 65% humidity
 46 F heat index; winds Calm

Distance: 25.11 miles
Speed:17.6 mph
Pace:3' 25 /mi
Elevation (ft)
Speed (mph)

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

SyCip Single Speed

SyCip Single Speed
Originally uploaded by njconnolly
This is my mountain bike. It truly is the best bike I have ever ridden. The photo was taken even before its first ride. It now has countless miles on it. It would be really interesting to know exactly how many miles are on my trusty steed. I have upgraded/changed a few of the parts on it but it mostly looks the same. On my next ride I will take a new photo of it and upload it, then you can see the small differences between the builds. Thats all I have for tonight.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Goal #1
To ride at least one night ride a week for the next five weeks. I know this sounds small but it is a step in the right direction. I have not been riding much and I have been really enjoying my night rides in the great weather we are having. The weather is supposed to turn this week so this goal my be harder then it sounds.

This first ride is a standard ride around here. My friend Jack and I along with a few others started at the softball fields and went up Evan's Canyon to the radio towers and then up to the cairn. After that we proceeded to the top of Bacon Strip at which point we headed down to Keystone Canyon and then back over the new Bench trail to the softball fields for the complete route. i rode with the my modified Cateye light system.

Route:--Elev. Avg:5427 ft
Location:Reno, NVElev. Gain:+3 ft
Date:10/28/08Up/Downhill: [+2112/-2109]
Time:06:27 PMDifficulty:4.7 / 5.0
 57 F temp; 31% humidity
 57 F heat index; winds E 5

Distance: 13.70 miles
Speed:6.5 mph
Pace:9' 14 /mi
Elevation (ft)
Speed (mph)

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