Saturday, November 8, 2008

SyCip Track Bike

Originally uploaded by njconnolly
American Steel. My other younger SyCip. Also a wonderful bicycle to ride. This bike is my most favorite of all time. I will have this bike for the rest of my life. I will never give it up. I love its paint job. Created by me and painted by Spectrum Powder Works of Colorado. I hope to switching a few of the parts soon. I want to ditch the Deda stem and seatpost and put on Thomson ones. I would also like a new seat but I can't figure out what would work well with the feel of the bike and that I would be able to ride. The one thats on there fits the color scheme and is very comfortable but is not very sleek. I will be using this bike lots more for training. It is great for getting my single speed strength and cadence. That is all for today. Later, -N

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